heart-aligned business from the inside out

You were born with a gift.

There is a sacred part of your being that is so uniquely you.

All of your life experiences have perfectly prepared you to bring something special to the world.

There are people who are waiting to be in your presence, to learn and grow alongside you. There are people praying for you to show up and lead them.

The value you can provide RIGHT NOW has the ability to not only help others, but to also bring you the financial support you’re desiring.

The secret to finding this magic secret sauce does not lie outside of you, it lies within you.

It’s WAITING for you. All you need to do is unlock it.

How much longer are you going to wait for the ‘right’ time to go ALL IN on bringing your VISION to the world?

What if the real ‘hack’ to growing your business was to learn to how to harness the unique gifts you were born with?

What if all you needed to attract your soulmate clients & customers was to simply show up as your whole self, exactly as you are?

What if doing what you LOVE could create the impact and income you dream of?

Chelsea Rusnack-Ouimet
Founder of Intamitely Ivy

Here are all the deets:

  • Three 90-minute group coaching calls per month (broken down into three themes: inner work, strategy & mastermind) where you will have your questions answered, get live coaching and receive support from other Visionaries who truly understand you.

  • Community-led coworking calls (coming in November 2023) where you can get together with fellow Visionaries to receive some accountability and community while you get work done!

  • An educational curriculum to guide you through the step-by-step process of monetizing your gifts from a place of alignment and authenticity. Our curriculum blends together energetics and strategy (and if you’re wondering yes, Human Design is a part of it!) to help you stay true to your authentic self while creating a business that works for YOU as a unique individual.

  • Access to The Vision community where you can connect, celebrate, collaborate and be supported by the other Visionaries (hosted in a private Facebook group).

  • Lifetime access to The Vision - you can join the group calls and access all the resources ANYTIME (and whatever else we add in the future!) for as long as the program is running. 

The Vision is like home base for your business (and your human).

We will stand beside you as you grow into the one who can hold her business, her dreams and her best friend's hand.

We’ve got you because we deeply have each other. We will show you what safe friendship looks like, building each other into the visionaries we know we are.

Let’s do this together.

Payment Options

Payment Plan - $344/mo

Pay in Full - $3,333

Questions? DM us on IG @hdundefined & @msjulianajames OR email us - we’d love to chat!